4017 County Road JJ, Black Earth, WI 53515

Consider the options

By considering the intent of township ordinances and the impact of your project choices will have on your neighbors and your neighbor’s viewshed. You may be able to avoid costly delays and changes to your plans. It also will go a long way to engendering good will with your new neighbors. 

Ridgetop home siting

The Ridgetop Protection Area Building Guidelines are designed to preserve the viewshed of all surrounding landowners.

Ridgetop Home Siting Option 1

Consider the view of the neighbors, when deciding where to site your home. Even though the view from the peak of the ridge may be an amazing view…

Ridgetop Home Site Option 2

… the view from what is often called “brow” of the ridge may be every bit as spectacular and keep your neighbor’s view as nice as yours.

Night sky

Consider the impact your home lighting will have on a beautiful local night sky.

Night sky 1

Some guidlines to consider:

  • Only be on when needed.
  • Only light the area that needs it.
  • Be no brighter than necessary.
  • Minimize blue light emissions.
  • Eliminate upward-directed light.

Night sky 2

Following the guidelines will not only protect the view of the night sky for others, but will pay dividends to you with an amazing astronomical display each night. 


The natural landscape and visual quality of a community provide it with a sense of pride and individuality, setting it apart from other places. Special vistas, views and scenic areas contribute significantly to the quality of life, add to the value of property, and enhance the desirability and livability of a community. 

Viewshed 1

Siting of a home, landscaping, even paint or siding color choices can have an impact on the view for neighbors. These decisions can be made with minimal impact to the your plans and the beauty of your home. 

Viewshed 2

Blending into the overall landscape and reducing the viewable impact on the natural viewshed will keep the rural feel of Vermont Township even as our population increases.