4017 County Road JJ, Black Earth, WI 53515


Needed to issue documents for: 


  1. 2 sets of building plans drawn to scale with elevations
  2. 2 plot plans of the land (showing elevations, distances to lot lines and building sizes)
  3. 1 copy of Dane County Zoning and Sanitary Permits
  4. 1 copy of Thermal performance Sheets (heat loss calculations) Res Check Software also accepted
  5. Applications to be filled out: Uniform Building Permit
  6. 2 copies of erosion Control Plan shown on a plot plan
  7. 1 copy of Dane County Zoning Permit and Township Driveway permit


  1. 2 sets of building plans
  2. 2 copies of plot plans of the land (showing elevations, distance to lot lines, & building sizes)
  3. Site evaluation from the Dane County Health Department if living area increased by 25% or more.
  4. Applications to be filled out: Uniform Building Permit.
  5. 2 copies of erosion Control Plan shown on plot plan for additions only
  6. 1 copy of Dane County Zoning permit


  1. 2 State approved building plans and specifications as needed per COMM 60.12
  2. 2 copies of plot plan of the property showing all buildings located on it to scale
  3. Dane County Sanitary Permit
  4. Applications to be filled out: Uniform Building Permit
  5. Dane County Zoning Permit if needed