4017 County Road JJ, Black Earth, WI 53515
Before you plan significant changes to your property, please attend a Town Planning Commission meeting. By engaging the Planning Commission ahead of time we can advise you of the Town’s expectations, and make your process much smoother, avoiding regulatory issues or additional development costs.
Email Diane Anderson at [email protected] to set a meeting.
This symbol indicates fees required
This symbol indicates possible delays and/or additional expenses.
BEFORE you submit the Land Use Intent form make sure you read the Town of Vermont Land Division Ordinance
Minor maintenance is defined as any work that does not require excavation and that disturbs less than 500 square feet of land area outside the existing roadway? If this is the case, no driveway permit is required.
If this is the case, your work is considered “Driveway Improvement.”
If yes, complete these steps:
• Create site map with GPS coordinates every 50 feet on centerline starting at the road and ending at the building envelope
• Place flags that correspond with all GPS coordinates in preparation for Driveway committee site visit
• Submit Land Use Intent Form
• Attend Plan Commission Meeting & obtain Plan Commission approval
• Pay fee – Make check payable to Town of Vermont Upon completion of the driveway, it will be inspected by the driveway committee for conformance with the plan. Re-inspection will continue until conformance is achieved.
Review Dane County requirements and obtain access permit.
Review Wisconsin Department of Transportation requirements and obtain permit.
Check the website for meeting schedule.
Contact the Plan Commission secretary.
Obtain Plan Commission recommendation for approval.
Obtain Town Board approval.
A new permit will be required if driveway construction is not completed within three (3) years of board approval date.