4017 County Road JJ, Black Earth, WI 53515


All Dogs Must Be Licensed

Cost is $15.00 if the dog is spayed or neutered and $20.00 if the dog is not spayed or neutered

These items will also be needed to obtain a dog license:

  1. Completed application for each dog. If you need an application, call the Town of Vermont Treasurer at 608-767-2457, box 3 or click here to download a license.
  2. Check made payable to the Town of Vermont (separate from your property tax check)
  3. Proof of current rabies vaccination, signed by your vet, for each dog. This document will be returned.
  4. Self-addressed stamped envelope for return of dog tags. If you are paying your property taxes at the same time, you need only to enclose 1 envelope – tax receipts and dog tags will be mailed together.