4017 County Road JJ, Black Earth, WI 53515

Building in Vermont:Two real-world examples

New construction can be a complex project. Starting a new project with an understanding of the costs and realistic timeline can greatly reduce the stress and frustration that often occurs. Here are two Vermont residents’ experiences. While each project is unique, these may serve to inform you of how the process unfolds.

Vermont Township resident #1

The project began in November with land division planning.
Final permits were issued the following November and construction could begin.

In March it was determined that a portion of the property was designated wetlands.
This triggers a need for further documentation and plans.

The project will disturb over 20,000 square feet soil, so it will require an Erosion Control plan.

By mid-July the Rezones are in effect and Zoning Permit Applications could be filled out.
Next steps will be these four plans and permits:

  • site plan
  • house plan
  • erosion permit 
  • septic permit